Saturday, November 16, 2013

How to Deal With Having a Crush on Your Friend's Brother

You begin to see your friend 's brother in a special way . For you it is sophistication personified. You are met by his cuteness , his intelligence, his personality. You admire the way he dresses, the way he styles his hair as he smiles , as he himself will have to summarize , you have severely crushed by a crush on him .

But you are a little confused about your feelings , and a little anxious. You are not sure if he ever noticed that you do not. You wonder if you 're just a friend of his brother to him. You certainly know that you appreciate your friend and your friendship . But at the same time , you want to take a step toward him create a bond .

Here are some points to consider when you are defeated by your friend and brother with the situation in a responsible manner

Determine how serious you are about it: Before you is step or your feelings about your friend or his / her brother , read about your feelings for the boy and how you want to pursue it seriously . You need to be sure whether this is a temporary infatuation or you just really want to build a long -term relationship.

Get to know each other better to the person : You know your friend 's brother right? Or are you in love with the person's picture in your head? You have a relationship with someone only after you know the person well, so there are no surprises later.
Improve your relationship with your partner : Be sure to strengthen your bond with a friend . You can follow his / her need to achieve in order to help the boy . Bond with your friend will also help get the guy and getting to know his family. It gives you an insight into his values ​​and principles.
Try to convey the idea to your friend and see how he / she responds : Your friend may feel betrayed when she learns about your feelings of someone else. You also need to determine whether your friend open to accept the idea , as it is his / her brother's girlfriend. Care to taste the water, so you can trace your advance if you believe that the time is not yet ripe.
Tries , the man to engage in activities : Try to create happy times with the boys. Find out what he wants to do . You can have up to an activity or hobby. It can also mean that your friend also . This will help you to know him .
Send Try waves subtle hints : you can give him a little more attention than you normally do. Give him sweet smile and innocent but flirty look. You could see him in a different light.
Have your intentions are obvious: Be careful to get a worthy person. To open your intentions may seem childish - not something that will be an attractive person . Also, it would not save you be ashamed if you ever need to cover your trip and the incident stock of your life.
Trying to get his personal number : Try for its personal number and see if he 's okay you familiar with it . But use it with care and responsibility . Should not be a cause of irritation . 24x7 you can feel like listening to his voice , but you will have time for all , if you have a stronger connection .
You can use it on your social media list , if he is okay with it : You see, if he had a friend in social media add . This will help you to exchange ideas and to communicate with each other .
Flood him with calls or messages : This will ruin your chances if you have irritation or anger . If you have or have you as a friend in social media act responsibly included access to his personal number . It shows your personality in a better light .

Rounding , remember to be a bit careful , as long as you are not sure about his feelings for you and your friend as you take the idea of his / her brother's girlfriend. Also, remember your dignity will never be sacrificed - it may be cool to track one eye, but no one respects a person who appears to be desperate . If this guy has a girlfriend , respect this relationship .

Misbehaved with his girlfriend made ​​it very easy for him to highlight your list of dialogue with people . Finally, it would be a disaster , an intimate progress whatsoever, as long as you do not build a strong and stable relationship with the boy .

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