Tuesday, November 5, 2013

How to Strengthen your Marriage: 10 Steps

Is your marriage in danger? It seems like so frustrated and implode from within a subtle change of change in a dynamic , relaxed and in love.

Why do so many marriages end in divorce ? Former couple split can write to a number of reasons , including financial problems , infidelity, boredom, growth or even abuse of some kind. But long before infidelity or violence breaks out, there will be some serious meltdown. Feelings are betrayed and secrets withheld .

The only way the marriage can work if there is communication. So let's look at 10 steps on how to strengthen search a difficult marriage.

Step 1: Take responsibility and know who you are .
No marriage can work if both partners are constantly other , are to blame for all the problems in the marriage. You need to take responsibility for your actions and your own identity. It is also about the admission to the mistakes of the past, perhaps large errors marriage cradle on its foundation . The first step is to stop playing the blame game and just accept what is.

Step 2: Negotiate fight .
Now is not the time to argue with that , because you are both long gone , since the point of the argument. You are now at a crossroads and your whole wedding could be at stake . This is not to cry , scream or overly critical time. Now is not the time for emotional outbursts , no matter how much it makes one or both of you feel better. Now is not the time to negotiate only . Relax and discuss issues calmly and with a rational understanding of the other person and natural. Agree to disagree. If necessary, you can begin to build the foundation of an agreement again . Quiet you discuss your needs and expectations can reduce the other person's emotional outbursts . Instead of talking about whose fault it is , explain feelings .

Step 3: Be nice and never speak in anger.
Good parents try to avoid discipline or even speak in anger. A difficult marriage must also be of the evil , offensively or defensively to refrain thoughts. When nations are at war , you can bet the diplomatic term , their words very carefully , and the same is true in a marriage in crisis. Never speak in anger . Speaking of logic, and you show your partner against - if not as a lover or confidante - . Than another person with his or her own heart Be very careful with your words . Hurtful words can destroy all the mutual respect that you build . When you speak, speak with love.

Step 4 : Let your partner some space.
So often in difficult relationships , conflict leads , because a partner to negotiate dominant or aggressive problems. It does not always work . If one partner feels suffocated, then space must be provided . A break or "breath" is always a productive option . Instead of continuing to scream when negotiations get tough, just go for a walk or a ride. Take time for the anger to dissipate.

Step 5: communicate honestly .
A lack of communication can unravel so many relationships - even strong relationships that are not usually from boredom or lack of faith . But if there is no honest communication , there is no trust . If there is no trust , there is hardly a marriage. It is an illusion , a facade for the world. Therefore, communication is a necessity to go the relationship. Without your problems and feelings without communication (at the root of these problems ) , there is no way to know what really happened. If there is no communication only guess and it is catastrophic. One can assume things about your partner which is totally untrue and only spiral cycle of mistrust .

Step 6 : Forgive freely .
Forgive freely and often forgiven . There is no other way to expand on the critical issue in marriage forgiveness. You can not stay resentful and married. Despite the fact that you hurt your partner, you forgive without rancor . Otherwise, you'll never fully trust that person. And every conversation will be affected by sarcasm or resentment of quiet frustration. This tends to escalate things and may even affect your health if you are such a rage filling. Let these negative emotions or divorce immediately - it's that simple. Keep a partner secretly hate or offense is cruel . Marriage is all about love and understanding that your partner deserves sympathy. See your spouse as someone who loves very painful and deep. Understand the pain that he or she is , behind strong words .

Step 7: hold back romance, love or sex.
The seeds of unbelief is configured with a lack of sexual activity and intimacy. When two partners grieve together (and if they choose not to dissuade things ) they usually forego all forms of intimacy. Intimacy is a form of communication . Withholding tax of this fruit of marriage corresponds manipulation and can be dangerous. If you do not even partner with whom you love, the energy , the desire married ? Probably outside the covenant of marriage .

Step 8: Become a unified team .
A good marriage works because of teamwork. It requires a commitment of both partners . If problems in the marriage tip , trust must be built from the ground so that both parties can agree . Frankly, there is no way a marriage can survive only by the will of a person. Both partners should be on the way they feel united .

Step 9: patience.
Do not expect overnight miracles, but be aware of new feelings , new advances ( in the way of trust and communication ) and a new attitude . Accept change and let you make love to your partner unconditionally .

Step 10 : Let your partner for his / her own person.
Compromises are all in marriage. You need to allow yourself partner to be his own person , and give them the space hobbies, interests , dreams and work plans to follow if they want. You can not micro-manage this person. Instead, you can only support him or her. Accept that love develops over time , and try not to suppress change. But with a flexible arm , you can save your marriage with the person , full of ambition , the life he / she wants to save lives .

It can be done , it just takes a strong will !

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